Written by Margaret Osborne

Hennepin Avenue UMC Basketball Team
In January and February we will be displaying some of the larger historical items from the Archives in Carlson Hall. Our display cabinet limits the size of what we usually can share, so this is a unique opportunity to go big! Our thanks to the Fine Arts Team for letting us borrow their space and assisting with the hanging. 150 years of Church Life have produced many interesting materials, and this is only a sample. We hope you enjoy looking at these items and can help us solve a mystery or two. The display cabinet will highlight 150 years of Ministry.
There will be a special display in the Sanctuary on two Sunday mornings: January 12 and 19. We will be hanging a World War II era service banner from the North Balcony. This banner hung in the Sanctuary throughout the war, and demonstrated the Congregation’s participation in the war effort, with a blue star for every member in service. There are 13 gold stars for those members who died in service during the war.