Celebrating 50+ Years!
Over fifty Hennepin members and guests recognized and celebrated Hennepin’s newest 50-Year Members and honored our newest “Decades” members on May 3 at the traditional recognition luncheon. Fourteen members in total were honored for their steadfast dedication and service to Hennepin Avenue UMC. Those fourteen collectively represent 1040 years at Hennepin – a remarkable legacy of faithfulness. Our church has been enriched by their presence with us.
New 50-Year members and “Decades” members received new name tags noting their years of membership. 50-Year members also received a small wooden cross crafted from wood taken from the Sanctuary when the present organ was installed. (See 2024 Honorees list below)
Hennepin’s own Steven Marking entertained the gathering with a delightful combination of vibrant photos and videos, anecdotes about the Mississippi River and life on a riverboat, and stirring, rich baritone vocals. Steve is a Guest Speaker and Resident Entertainer for American Cruise Lines as they travel the Mississippi, Ohio and Cumberland Rivers.
2024 Honorees
Fifty-Year Members
Karen Blakey
Barbara English-Belanger
Greg Putnam
Scott Simmons
Sixty-Year Members
Joan Lee
Christine Spencer
Janelle Vaubel
Carol Whaley
Seventy-Year Members
Bruce Arones
Bob Knudson
Marilyn Nelson
Marilyn Newstrum
Eighty-Year Members
Carol Edblom
Camilla Reiersgord