The Hope for Creation class spent the Fall sessions gaining an understanding of the magnitude of the climate crisis. The winter sessions focused on what our theology (especially our United Methodist theology) says about care of the earth and the many ways God IS Nature and Nature IS Us. This spring is the beginning of discussions about how HAUMC should respond with Climate Action. Stay tuned for recommendations!
For Earth Month 2024 we will celebrate in several ways:
- UMC Annual Conference starts on April 23rd. The United Methodist Creation Justice Movement is collecting signatures on a petition in support of an amendment calling for the UMC to divest from Fossil Fuels. The specific language is: “We ask United Methodists to divest from fossil fuels. We ask the delegates of the 2024 General Conference to pass Petition 20981-GA-¶717 amending United Methodist investment screens so as to screen out ‘fossil fuels.’ You can see additional information and sign the petition online here. Or, look for hard copy petitions in Carlson Hall for you to review and sign in person.
- Kids of all ages will be able to plant their very own Milkweed plant in Carlson Hall after the church service on Earth Sunday April 21st! Milkweeds are the only food for Monarch Butterflies as well as the spot where they lay eggs and perform their miraculous transformation into new butterflies. Take it home and plant it in your yard or find a roadway ditch and plant it there! Click here to learn more about Milkweed, Monarchs and other pollinators!
- Once again, Old School by Steeple People will be set up in the entry way on Earth Sunday April 21st with reusable items for sale. Stop by and support both Old School and the environment by getting something previously loved rather than buying new.
- Come to our neighborhood park – Loring – on Saturday April 20th at 9:30am to help with the clean up.
Check out the Hennepin Avenue Community Group or Hennepin HOPE Facebook pages during the month of April to see other things going on within the United Methodist Church, nationally and locally, to address the climate crisis and heal the earth.