Leverage Change for Broad Impact & Design for Co-Responsibility In Sunday’s class, we first discussed how to leverage change for broad impact. As the authors of Regenerative Development and Design: A Framework For Evolving Sustainability write, rather than … Read More
Join Bishop Lanette Plambeck in Supporting Emma Norton’s Restoring Waters: A Beacon of Hope for Women and Families
Bishop Lanette Plambeck urges support for Emma Norton’s Restoring Waters campaign, emphasizing its mission to provide stability and healing for women, individuals, and small families who have experienced homelessness, highlighting its transformative impact and inviting community involvement.
Charting Our Course: A Strategic Initiatives Update
The HAUMC Strategic Initiative Update: Assessments completed, insights gathered, and congregational learning underway to shape our future direction.
Hope for Creation IACCW – Spring Week Five Summary
Start from Potential & Find your Role In class this last week, we discussed two regenerative design principles. The first principle – starting from potential – emphasizes the importance of focusing not on past or … Read More
Treasures in the Church Archives
Unveiling Historical Gems: Discovering a 1917 Flag and WWII Service Banner in the Church Archives, Offering Touching Insights into the Past.