Written by Juanita Reed-Boniface
Members of the Creative Collective Bee Hives have been busy gathering ideas and resources in preparation for designing action plans for 2025. In addition, some outreach activities have begun. Have you stopped by the Creative Collective table in Carlson Hall on Sunday mornings? This has been a project of the Public Policy Hive, providing information about the election item “Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund Renewal” along with background information on the Creation Justice Stances of the Presidential Candidates. This document was provided by the UMC Creation Justice Movement.
The Education and Food and Agriculture Hives partnered to sponsor a Trunk and Treat entry featuring Bee Hive trunk decor and a table of activities “All About Pumpkins”. Participants compared and guessed the number of seeds in a large pumpkin and a small pumpkin and took measurements to compare of pumpkins of different sizes . Prizes were given to all participants and seed guessing contest. winners. This was the 2nd place winner in the Trunk or Treat event.
The Creative Collective table will be a continuing feature, an attractive and convenient stop on Sunday morning for information and educational resources provided by the various Bee Hives. Currently the Food and Agriculture Hive is featured with Ag Mags on Fall Foods. These educational leaflets on a variety of topics are produced by American Farm Bureau Foundation for use in schools and community groups. Stop by and pick up a copy for yourself, children, grandchildren or teachers.