find support at hennepin avenue umc
Weekly In-Person Recovery Groups at Hennepin
“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”
If these words have guided you, a recovery group might be for you. Hennepin Avenue UMC welcomes several Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon recovery groups whose meetings take place in our church building:
MONDAYS @ 6:30–7:30pm
Closed group for men and women who wish to stop drinking/using.
Tuesdays @ 7–8pm
Design for Living AA Group
Open meeting for men and women.
Thursdays @ 7:30–8:30pm
Central Pacific Open Meeting
Anyone may attend.
Fridays @ 10–11am (Main group); break-out groups begin at 9am
Steeple Friday Women’s Al-Anon
For more specific information on Recovery Groups at Hennepin Avenue UMC, please contact Scheduling at [email protected] or call Reception (612) 871-5303
Hennepin Avenue UMC joins with other downtown churches to support weekly grief groups for those walking through grief. This Downtown Coalition for Grief Support has been hosting weekly speakers and conversations of support since 1997 and rotates between churches.
Location: Westminster Presbyterian Church
1200 S. Marquette Ave, Minneapolis
Saturdays @ 9:30–11:30am
Open to all adults
People may join the group at any time and it is inclusive of all faiths and backgrounds. The meeting location rotates but meets weekly on Saturday mornings.
For more information and a full schedule, please visit the coalition’s website: