Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church resonates with the power of music, a universal language that nourishes the soul. Our vibrant musical community offers a multitude of opportunities to immerse yourself in the world of harmonies and melodies, inspiring both heart and spirit. Whether you’re an experienced musician or just beginning your musical journey, we invite you to explore the array of options below and become a part of our musical tapestry. Let your love for music bloom within our welcoming community.
Community Sing
Second Sunday of each month at 9am in the Choir Room
Most second Sundays of the month, we host Community Sing, where anyone is welcome to join the choir at 9am in the choir room to learn the pieces for that day. This is a great way to share your gifts and experience the community of choir if you’re unable to commit to weekly rehearsals. Looking for more? Watch for announcements about opportunities to join the Sanctuary Choir for larger sacred works in worship by committing to just a portion of rehearsals prior to the date. Rehearsals for Vivaldi’s Gloria (Dec. 8) will begin in October and Fauré’s Requiem (Apr. 13) in February.
Sanctuary Choir
Worship Sundays 10am & Rehearsal Wednesdays 7-8:30pm from September 6-May 29 in the Choir Room
The sanctuary choir is open to anyone in high school and older
who desires to praise God with the gift of music. The choir sings
anthems (performance music) to enrich worship and helps
support the congregation in singing hymns and other songs.
We will also collaborate with other musicians to present larger
musical works and offer concerts on the Hennepin music series.
Childcare is available during rehearsals. We also enjoy spending
time together and have occasional social events throughout the
year. Contact Sally Messner if you’re interested or have questions. All are welcome!
Joyful Noise
Sundays 11:30am-12:15pm in the Border Chapel
Joyful Noise is the Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church
children and youth music program! Children and youth will
sing, play instruments, and enjoy music games together after
worship. We will provide a light lunch for children and youth in
pre-K through 8th grade (and their families). The group will be
led by Director of Worship and Music Sally Messner and various
guest musicians and volunteers. Join in at any time! Contact Sally Messner with questions or to volunteer.
Hennepin CHime
Sundays 6:30-7:30pm in the handbell room
Hennepin Chime, our handbell ensemble, is open to adults and youth in eighth grade and older. Everyone is welcome, whether you are new to ringing or experienced!
The Organ
The Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church Sanctuary Organ (Robert Sipe, 1979) is a principal instrument for Sanctuary worship services and concert life of this prominent downtown Minneapolis congregation and remains one of the city’s finest instruments. The instrument is distinctive in a variety of ways. Read more about this very special Robert Sipe Organ.
Music Ministries Team

Sally Messner
Director of Worship & Music

Patrick Henning
Associate Director of Worship & Music
& Principal Organist