The Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church Sanctuary Organ

The Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church Sanctuary Organ (Robert Sipe, 1979) is a principal instrument for Sanctuary worship services and concert life of this prominent downtown Minneapolis congregation and remains one of the city’s finest instruments. The instrument is distinctive in a variety of ways: a tracker instrument; scaled perfectly for its acoustical environment, which provides rich aural and visual beauty.

The organ is a dynamic solo instrument as well as being well-suited for the accompanying choral and instrumental forces, and supporting the singing congregation. The instrument’s tonal palette is rich and functional, serving well a wide range of organ repertoire and performance demands.

“Despite what seem to be continuous changes of ‘taste’ regarding organ sound in our culture, the Hennepin Sipe instrument can still stand proudly as a musical instrument of integrity and beauty, and a prize-worthy presence in the Minnesota ‘organ inventory’.  It is engaging to behold, visually, as well as aurally attractive and exciting when used properly.  It has proven itself adaptable to repertoire from a wide variety of musical styles/eras.”  –Michael Barone, Pipeworks


16 Sub Principal
8 Principal
8 Gedeckt
4 Octave
4 Spitzflöte
2-2/3 Octave Quinte
2 Super Octave
II Sesquialtera
IV-V Mixture
III Cymbel
16 Trompete
8 Trompete


8 Viole de Gambe
8 Viole Céleste
8 Rohrflöte
4 Principal
4 Flute Overte
2 Flute
II Cornet
IV-V Fourniture
16 Basson
8 Trompette
8 Hautbois
8 Vox Humana
4 Clarion


16 Bourdon
8 Principal
8 Holzgedeckt
8 Flûte Conique
4 Octave
4 Rohrflöte
2-2/3 Nasard
2 Doublette
1-2/5 Tierce
1-1/3 Larigot
IV-V Scharf
8 Cromororne


8 Flûte Overte
V Grand Cornet
8 Trompette
4 Clarion
8 Trompette en Chamade


32 Sub Principal
16 Principal
16 Subbass
8 Octave
8 Spitzflöte
4 Choral bass
2 Hohlflöte
II Rauschquinte
IV Mixture
32 Kontra Posaune
16 Posaune
8 Trompete
4 Schalmei