Serve at Hennepin


Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church, we believe that each of us has a call to ministry. We believe that lives are changed when we share our talents and passions. You make a difference. Please find something that feels interesting, challenging, or delightful below. You can serve coffee, welcome visitors, lead classes, or sing. We need extroverts and introverts.



On a typical Sunday, we have between 65 and 75 volunteers providing hospitality, music, worship leadership, and education for all ages. Serving is one of the primary ways that we grow in love of God and neighbor. As the collective Body of Christ, we welcome you to use your gifts, talents, and passions to shine the Light of Christ into the world!


1 Volunteer per Sunday

Altar guild

contact sally messner


8 Volunteers per Sunday

Coffee and donuts

2 Volunteer per Sunday

communion server

10 Volunteers per first Sunday of the month


2 Volunteers per Sunday


1 Volunteer per Sunday

usher - sanctuary host

5 Volunteer per Sunday

usher - digital host

1 Volunteer per Sunday

audio/visual team

contact jonathan orwig


contact sally messner

special worship

contact sally messner



Legally, a background check and child safety training are required when working with children or youth. Please contact [email protected] if you would like to attend a training session.
Please Note: You are allowed to volunteer without a background check and/or training if you are supervised by a previously screened and trained volunteer.

Nursery volunteer

1 Volunteer per Sunday

Provide a lap for a baby or do puzzles with a toddler; our nursery volunteers work with a supervisor to provide a safe and loving environment where babies and toddlers first learn that church is a safe space full of people who love them.

sunday school teachers

4 Volunteers per Sunday

Help create a loving environment where our kids feel safe to learn, question, and explore what faith looks like in their lives and the world they live in. A curriculum is provided and can be used as a starting point.


Play a crucial role in guiding our youth on their faith journey! As a Confirmation Assistant, you will provide mentorship to our young members. Your dedication will help shape the spiritual growth of our youth as they confirm their faith in our community.

joyful noise

Joyful Noise is the Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church children and youth music program. Children and youth will sing, play instruments, and enjoy music games together after worship. An opportunity for children to be active in their faith!



Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church is proud to host a plethora of community events. In order to make our congregation and guests feel at home, we rely on our generous community to provide radical hospitality and make sure the experiences are enriching for all who attend and participate! Read below to explore our special event opportunities. If you are interested in helping make these events spectacular, please indicate this using the simple form below.

Doors Open

Doors Open is a Minneapolis event that allows residents to explore buildings that are core to the city’s history. As a participant in this event, HAUMC needs hosts on hand to direct people to the different spaces and answer questions. It is a fabulous way to share what you love about the church with all of Minneapolis! Let’s ensure our neighbors are met with open arms.

pride festival parking lot attendant

As a Reconciling Congregation, the Twin Cities Pride Festival allows us to support our LGBTQIA+ neighbors! We offer parking for festival goers and need parking lot attendants to manage the flow of traffic. This helps us raise money for the HAUMC youth and it provides a welcoming place to begin and end the festivities in Loring Park!

pride festival booth attendant

During the Pride Festival, we staff a booth to provide information about Hennepin Avenue UMC. In the past, we have shared a booth with the Downtown Congregations and the Reconciling Ministries as part of a larger, loving faith community.

fall kick-off sunday

This annual, kid-friendly celebration serves as the starting point for a year of church programming and has become a community favorite. In addition to the typical Sunday Volunteer roles, sign up to help with set up, food service, crafts, games, or clean up!

trunk or treat

Trunk or Treat is a community Halloween event with decorated cars and candy for the community! Volunteers can decorate their trunks, help pass out treats, and provide hospitality for visitors.

150th anniversary implementation

Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church is turning 150 years old in 2025! We need your help to make this a party to remember. From events planning, organization, storytelling opportunities and probably some additional sprucing of the space!