Written by Phil Wala
1975 (January 5)
As we enter 2025, the year in which the church celebrates its 150th anniversary, we look back exactly 50 years to the 100th anniversary year of 1975. We recently discovered, in the church archives, an audio tape recording of a centennial year dinner held on the afternoon of Sunday, January 5, 1975. The guest of honor was Dr. Dwight Loder, who was associate pastor of Hennepin from 1948 to 1951, and senior pastor from 1952 to 1955. In another box, we discovered the slides that were used in a slide show put together by Hennepin member Dick Dunsworth. With a little bit of work, we were able to match the slides with the audio.
So now, for the first time in 50 years, we invite you to watch the video of that slide show from 1975, and learn a little bit about Dr. Loder’s place in the history of Hennepin Church. And then we invite you to listen to the audio recording to hear the rest of that afternoon’s lighthearted festivities, hosted by Hennepin member and long-time WCCO-TV weatherman Bud Kraehling. The highlight is hearing Dr. Loder reminisce about his time at Hennepin as he reflects on the church’s 100th birthday.
Slide Show:
Event Audio Recording:
By the way, after leaving Hennepin in 1955, Dr. Loder went on to become president of Garrett Biblical Institute (a predecessor of Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary), bishop of the Michigan and Western Ohio districts of the United Methodist Church, and President of the Council of Bishops. With those kinds of credentials, it’s no wonder that everyone got a chuckle out of the Minneapolis Star headline which referred to Bishop Loder simply as “ex-minister.”

More memories of This Week in Hennepin History:
1895 (January 6)
Fowler Methodist Episcopal Church dedicates its new chapel at DuPont and Franklin. This is the first phase of construction, which will serve as the congregation’s meeting place for the next 13 years. A larger sanctuary will eventually be added, and dedicated in December 1907. (Minneapolis Times)

1901 (January 1)
Several other churches join with Hennepin Avenue Church to welcome the 20th century at a New Year’s Eve “watch night” service with evangelists Crossley and Hunter. As is always the case at such services, the congregation kneels just before midnight, to be sure they are praying at the moment the new year (and century) begins. (Minneapolis Journal)

1910 (January 5)
Hennepin Avenue Church has purchased property adjoining its 10th and Hennepin site and announces plans to build a new church on the same site. These plans will not materialize. (Minneapolis Tribune)

1912 (January 2)
Hennepin Church (now merged with Fowler Church at the DuPont and Franklin location) is putting its 10th and Hennepin location back on the market. A deal to sell the site fell through the previous September. (Minneapolis Tribune)

1938 (January 5)
The University of Life begins its winter term, just as Hennepin Church adds a third pastor to its staff to help administer the growing program. (Minneapolis Journal)

1952 (January 5)
The “Happiness Troupe” dance ensemble performs for patients at the Anoka State Hospital. One of the dancers, Marilyn Jewett, attends Hennepin Church (and is still faithfully attending in 2025 — but with a different last name). (Minneapolis Tribune)