This Sunday, we welcomed seven new members into the Hennepin Avenue UMC family. Please make sure to give these folks a warm welcome when you see them around the church!

Autumn McDowell

Steve Blons

Shirley Buchanan

Daphne Soleil and Bob Fleetwood

Diana Scherbert

Julia Price
Correction to Annual Report – New Members in 2024
We sincerely apologize for an inaccuracy in our recently published list of new members, as an error in our records led to some names being omitted from our annual report. We deeply regret this oversight and want to take a moment to recognize and celebrate all those who joined our congregation in 2024: Emily Anderson, Michael Anderson, Nan Brown, Shirley Buchanan, Genevieve Cadwell, Jacqueline Cadwell, Jeff Cadwell, Jennifer Cadwell, Rachael Dosen, David Duvlea, Hyon Kim, Candace Kirkedahlen, Kim Knuttila, Olivia Knuttila-Tanhoff, Mike Kruger, John Laursen, Dan Netter, Karim Omar, Diana Kate Scherbert, Mike Schmidt, Leah Speltz, Liam Tanhoff, Tari Tanhoff, and Julia Wiggen Larson. We are grateful to welcome each of you into our community and appreciate your grace as we work to ensure our records are accurate.