How does God’s Love show up in the world?

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
— First Corithians 13:13
One of the most important responsibilities we at Hennepin Avenue UMC have is caring for each other. Care can take many forms but as a community of faith based on the teachings of Jesus, it must always be measured in love. Care is about the good and bad, the big and little, events that make up a human life. It means taking brave steps to ask for help when you need it, leaning on the community in times of sorrow and fear, getting perspective when you can’t see clearly, having an ally, or just a community to celebrate with! All of this is care.

Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care is one of the Primary Callings of our Clergy.

Did you know you can reach out to a pastor for prayer, a visit, or a confidential conversation? Use the buttons below to email us for prayer requests, to discuss sensitive matters, or to request a visit or call. Please include your first and last name, email address, and phone number to help us get connected!

 Alternatively, you can call the church and ask for the pastoral care line to submit prayer requests or seek support.

Click the buttons below to email us about any significant life changes for yourself or your friends, family, loved ones. This helps us offer support and keep our records current.

Celebrate Life Events

A community in Christ is a community that journeys with you through all stages of life: from being baptized into the faith, to celebrating the union of weddings, to commemorating a life’s end. The strength of a community built in love of Christ is our steadfastness to be with you, and you with us, for the whole journey no matter what. Click button below to schedule a baptism, wedding, or funeral/celebration of life.

Schedule a Funeral/Memorial Service
Schedule a Baptism
Schedule a Wedding

Get Support

Support is one of the most important aspects of Care. We all need support in our daily lives and to tackle larger challenges and problems. Support comes in many forms - mental, emotional, spiritual, and material (financial). And sometimes it can mean the difference between getting up or staying down. It is that important. If you're looking for support, you've already taken a big leap forward! Click button below to learn more about the resources we have that may help you find the support that fits your stage of the journey and your particular challenges.
Get Support
Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act.
— First Corithians 13:13
Carry each other's burdens and so you will fulfill the teachings of Christ.