February 14th at 2pm in the Art Gallery
For nearly 150 years, Hennepin Church has been a place where love stories begin and friendships are formed. This Valentine’s Day, we invite you to celebrate the love and connections that now span generations.
Jerry Gale shared a story that beautifully captures the legacy of love at Hennepin:

“I married Nancy Krause on June 21, 1975. Nancy grew up in Hennepin Church, and her family has deep roots here—her parents, Bob and Ginny Krause, and her grandparents, Harold and Florence Keen, were all members. That makes my grandchildren, Trenton, Ginny, and Kira DeVries, fifth-generation Hennepin kids.
Nancy and I walked out of the church to Widor’s Toccata played by Richard Waggoner. As my two children grew up, the organist played Widor’s Toccata at the end of every Easter service. As the first notes started, I would lean over to them and say “That was the song played as your mom and I walked out of the church after our wedding.” Every Easter, sometimes with tears in my eyes. On Easter Sunday in 2008, as the first note of the toccata rang out, my daughter looked at me with a big smile and said, ‘Dad, that was the song played as Cullen and I walked out of the church after our wedding.’ I had to get several Kleenex after hearing that.”
Join us this Valentine’s Day to honor stories like Jerry’s, celebrate love in all its forms, and create new memories together.
The event will feature a performance by the Hennepin Chamber Choir, singing Johannes Brahms’s Liebeslieder Walzer (Lovesong Waltzes), accompanied by two pianos in harmony, along with an afternoon of refreshments and fellowship.
Were you married at Hennepin Church?
We’d love to honor your story! Bring a photo from your wedding day to share—a table will be set up to showcase these beautiful memories.
“Bring your sweetheart, bring your best friend, bring your memories.”
Reservations are required – $20 per person.
Sign up by February 2 on the Valentine’s Day Party event page at haumc.org/events or email Laura Hannah at [email protected].
Special accommodations:
Gluten-free and vegetarian options will be available. Please let us know if you have any accessibility needs so we can make your experience comfortable and welcoming.