New Sanctuary Choir Attire Selected

The Sanctuary Choir has selected its new attire: ivory-colored robes with stoles. The robes will an alb style, which means a tunic with loose sleeves. The stoles will be pendant style, which means they will drape down the front of the torso and be easy for the congregation to see whether in person or online. The stoles will vary in color to match the liturgical season. For example, the whole choir will wear blue stoles during Advent and purple stoles during Lent. There will still be occasions when we may wear black performance attire or have no uniform, but we are excited to add the new robes and stoles to our wardrobe.
Thanks are due to many people in the choir—the team who researched and facilitated discussion and all of the choir for sharing their thoughts and feedback. Look for the new attire in the fall!