A Message from Tim Eberhart
Welcome back, or welcome for the first time! Last year’s “Hope for Creation in a Climate Changed World” class is starting up again as “The Creation Collective.” All are welcome, whether you’ve participated in the past or are new to the class. The Creation Collective will meet most Sundays this fall from 11:15am-12:15pm. You can join either in-person in the Art Gallery or online via Zoom. We’ll meet to foster community, learn together, and organize action in support of the congregation’s vocation to be a “Cathedral for All Creation.”
For this coming Sunday, Sept. 29th, we’ll review the Mission & Vision for Regenerative Ministry statement we crafted in the spring, as well as the Principles of Regenerative Design we drew on in the discernment process. We’ll also introduce class leaders, including those overseeing each of the “Bee Hives.” Finally, we’ll discuss the Introduction and Chapter 1 in Brian McLaren’s Life After Doom: Wisdom and Courage for a World Falling Apart.
Those of us providing leadership for the Creation Collective this year – your Bee Keepers & Queen Bees 🙂 – are excited to continue generating “buzz” around our regenerative efforts. Join us!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 991 2548 9416
Passcode: 229793